TikTok for Authors

TikTok for authors is a comprehensive TikTok and book marketing course! This isn’t just a course, but a community of authors who understand that TikTok is a great way to expand your book’s reach greatly. My goal is for you to be able to take these concepts and apply them to marketing your books everywhere, NOT just TikTok!

Make sure to go through all the lessons, as there are some fun bonuses throughout!

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.


Make sure to join our course Discord with the link included in the beginning of the course!

This will be your opportunity to work with other authors to create even better content and collaborate and critique. I want EVERYONE to make a LOT of money ALL THE TIME, and the best way to do this is to help others and ask for help as needed!